Thursday, February 26, 2009

One Step at a time...

"The audacity of hope!

In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation; the belief in things not seen; the belief that there are better days ahead." President Obama

Keeping hope alive. I guess that's what remains for someone who has longed to see change. Like a desert traveller, climbing sand dune after sand dune, hoping for an oasis. As he stumbles in the dust, he passes carcasses of animals and men who have succumbed to the thirst and harsh elements. He looks as far as his eyes can see. More carcasses lay strewn ahead. He lifts his eyes up to the blinding sky. Vultures patiently await his demise.
He looks around. Bad roads, broken down power stations. To the right, ethnic and religious crises. To the left, corrupt police and customs officials. He turns behind him. Little children, exposed to harsh society, dying of malnutrition and poverty, roaming the streets and abandoning school. Finally he turns to what is in front of him. He tries to ignore the flashy cars and opulent lifestyles of the bastards responsible for this chaos. He tries to focus on hope; that things can improve even if it takes one brave individual at a time.

One step at a time he moves on through the desert. One breathe at a time he keeps himself alive.

One brave individual at a time...Change will come.

It starts with you!

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