Wednesday, February 25, 2009

True to Society!

I must confess to you, as one who started out campaigning for a new Nigerian vision, promoting a belief in a greater Nigerian society, I have many a times given up faith in the Nigerian system, deciding to abandon ship and pursue fulfilment away from the shores of this country.
Don't blame me. Many of you will admit that living in this country and witnessing the mess that goes on is so frustrating. So many times I have had to question my faith in Nigeria. Even now my campaigning morale is low. I have decided instead to dedicate my thoughts and write-ups to studying the lives of people who have in one way or another ignited change in their respective societies. People like Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and of course, Obama.
Maybe in the course of studying these people, I will discover a renewed zeal to see things change for the better in this country. No matter what, I will still try to remain true to society!


Rita said...

I dont think anyone will blame you. But I do hope you don't give up the dream because change comes from one person at a time.

I am sure those that effected changed kept on pushing on against all odds and in the face of adversity.

Just to let you know you have people behind you...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rita. Your words are food for my soul.


Shawn, my brother. Temite wrote something similar a week or 2 ago. I told her never to do it again. I am going to tell you the same thing.


Here is why. Nigeria needs every single person with a passionate bone in their body to speak up on behalf of those who have no voice. As such we cannot afford to lose your voice in what now seems like a worthless struggle. But, do you think Gandhi or Mandela didn't feel the way you did at many points? They fought through the feelings of despair and became incredible individuals recognized around the world for making a little seed blossom into movements. You too can change the world with just a little faith.

Sorry, if I am not a bit more sympathetic, but I find it hard to be because I had my moment in 2007 and it was terrible. It was absolutely depressing and from time to time, my head goes there. But, you and I and many others cannot afford to drop that torchlight for Naija. Even though sometimes you feel that it is too heavy to carry, it will be your legacy to that nation.

So, I don't want to read about this crap again. I give you until Monday, and you have to come back here and write a post about anything. Make sure you somehow spotlight your passion. And, think about people who have been complaining about Nigeria since before the creation of that nation. Most are long gone, but there are many who have been 'halaing' for decades, and continue to 'hala', we cannot let their shouting, preaching and praying to be in vain.

If you need to talk, let me know. And btw, I am working on getting a whole bunch of bloggers and others together to start working on having some sort of impact, no mater how small, on election 2011. I need your thoughts on how to get it done. Now, that SSS and others know, we can't let them down, abi?

Oya, come to Nigerian Curiosity and read a feel good story about Nigerian Leadership that is positive and results oriented. Yes! It is possible but if you give up, you will let those with little interest in our nation's future win. Come on...

Shawn said...

Thank you for that scolding solomonsydelle.And I promise you, I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN. Now that I know I aint the only one who has once been scalded by the hot lava of pro-Nigeria passion. Now you must excuse me at this point...I have some blogging to do!